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Mead Gruver

Theories persist about mystery drones seen in rural region

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – People insist they have spotted fleets of large drones crisscrossing rural America’s night sky, their mission mysterious, raising questions that have veered into conspiracy ...

One of world’s largest steam engines converted from coal to oil

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – It’s longer than two city buses, weighs more than a Boeing 747 fully loaded with passengers and can pull 16 Statues of Liberty over a mountain. The Big Boy No. 40...

U.S. signs off on Wyoming uranium mine expansion

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The U.S. government approved plans Tuesday to expand a Wyoming uranium mine while it considers a proposed new mine by the same developer not far away. The U.S. Bu...

Wanted: More pastures for West’s overpopulated wild horses

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – If you ever wished to gaze at a stomping, snorting, neighing panorama of Western heritage from your living-room window, now could be your chance. A classic image ...

Wanted: More pastures for West’s overpopulated wild horses

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – If you ever wished to gaze at a stomping, snorting, neighing panorama of Western heritage from your living room window, now could be your chance. A classic image ...

Grand Teton plan would trap or kill goats to help bighorns

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Spotting a mountain goat perched high on a cliff might thrill many of the millions of tourists who visit Grand Teton National Park every year, but park officials say it migh...

Trump administration rescinding rules for oil, gas drilling

CHEYENNE – President Donald Trump’s administration is rescinding proposed rules for hydraulic fracturing and other oil- and gas-drilling practices on government lands, government officials a...

U.S. national parks to slash number of free days for visitors

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – National parks in the U.S. will sharply drop the number of days they allow visitors to get in for free, a move that was criticized by opponents of the parks’ plan to raise e...

Candidate to lead U.S. land agency: No advocate of transfers

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – A candidate to lead an agency that oversees public lands totaling one-eighth of the U.S. says environmentalists mischaracterize her as an advocate of signing those landscape...

Environmentalists get win in U.S. coal-climate change lawsuit

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Handing a major victory to environmentalists, a court cast doubt Friday on a longstanding U.S. government argument that blocking federal coal leasing won’t affect climate ch...

To aid ferrets, vaccine treats planned for prairie dogs

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Feeding peanut butter kibbles to millions of prairie dogs – by flinging the treats from four-wheelers and dropping them from drones – could be the next big thing to help a s...

Drone puts elk on the run in western Wyoming

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Add this to the long list of problems caused by buzzing drones: Frightening 1,500 elk into stampeding at a time of year when too much stress can be deadly for the animals. ...