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Richard Roeper

Review: Ricki and the Flash

My running joke about Meryl Streep is she’s so amazing she gets nominated for an Oscar even in years when she wasn’t in any movies. She’s one of the best actors, and quite possibly the most ...

Review: Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation

With “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation,” we’re getting the best Bond movie since “Casino Royale” in 2006. OK, so Ethan Hunt isn’t James Bond and the Impossible Missions Force is...

Review: Vacation

Few comedy franchises in film history have a more bizarre saga than the “National Lampoon’s Vacation” series. Yup, the original Harold Ramis/John Hughes film from 1983 was a low-r...

Review: Southpaw

Even with the searing, ear-splitting hip-hop soundtrack featuring Eminem and Bad Meets Evil and Action Bronson & Joey Bada$$, even with the edgy camerawork and the 21st-century setting, “Sou...

Review: Infinitely Polar Bear

We veer close to the edge of Precious, Indie-Hipster Clich– every so often in “Infinitely Polar Bear,” but thanks to a gifted filmmaker and two brilliant lead performances, the voice-over na...

Review: Ant-Man

The problem with the “Ant-Man” movie is they made an “Ant-Man” movie. Not that it would be impossible to make an entertaining big-screen version of a pretty fascinating comic-book...

Review: Trainwreck

Amy Schumer is great in bed. Before somebody alerts TMZ or Perez Hilton, let’s clarify we’re talking about Amy Schumer in “Trainwreck,” and when I say she’s great, I mean she’s fl...

Review: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

What’s the story with that intense, cool teacher with all those tattoos and all that enthusiasm for his work? What about the dad who putters about the house in his robe, cooking u...

Review: Ted 2

The thing about Ted is, he’s a jerk. Yes, it’s quite a thing – a talking, beer-swilling, pot-smoking, foul-mouthed teddy bear interacting with the humans of Boston, working as a c...

Review: Love & Mercy

From Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro in “The Godfather” movies to Judi Dench and Kate Winslet in “Iris,” some of our finest actors have played the same character at different junctures on a...

Review: Inside Out

The very best Pixar films aren’t just children’s movies with references and touchstones to keep the adults interested; they’re ambitious, complex, deeply layered movies for grown-ups that ha...

Review: Clouds of Sils Maria

It wouldn’t be fair to call “Clouds of Sils Maria” a comeback vehicle for Kristen Stewart because the “Twilight” heroine and tabloid favorite hasn’t really gone anywhere. But Stewart’s blazi...