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Andrea Bonior

She thinks her friend is dating a gross guy for his money

Q: I am pretty sure my friend is in a relationship with a guy just because he supports her financially, and I don’t consider it that different from prostitution. He is older and not particul...

What to do about a coworker who won't stop staring

Q: A guy at work stares at me. He holds eye contact all the time, and he works near enough to me that if he is moving around his cube and I happen to look at him, I see him looking at me. He...

Dealing with the office mean girls

Q: I am the only male in an office with four women. Two of them are snakes in disguise. They talk about each other to me and then team up against me, whispering like high school girls. I thi...

Baggage Check: I can't get past my boyfriend's past hookups with other guys

Q. My boyfriend of two years (we’re both 27) and I have had a solid relationship. He recently revealed to me that he hooked up with guys in his late teens. He said he was unsure of himself a...

He wants the housekeeper fired and it's a real mess

Q: My husband wants to fire the person who cleans our house. I think her cleaning is fine, but he is a lot pickier. He’s told her over and over to do things a little differently and she neve...

Is my therapist slut-shaming me?

Q: I am working with a therapist who thinks that I am sleeping with too many people. I am in my mid-20s and dating and, yes, occasionally have one-night stands and do not have guilt about it...

Baggage check: How do I stand up to my mother-in-law when my husband is a mama's boy?

Q. We always invite my mother-in-law over on Christmas and give her presents. Instead of saying “thank you,” she makes faces, is completely ungracious and is even just flat rude. My husband,...

Baggage check: Friend is a major flake, and a sister's children are 'nightmares'

Q: A good friend of mine is a major flake. I love her dearly, but I no longer can afford the luxury of letting her cancel plans on me, which she does more than half the time. I have started ...

Grown sisters don't respect their mother

Q: My eccentric mother has weird beliefs about conspiracy theories and the way she conducts her daily life. My grown sisters treat her like an embarrassment and ridicule her when we get toge...

My wife is mad I threw her a surprise party

Q. My wife is angry that I threw a surprise party for a major promotion she got at work. All I did was invite five couples to celebrate at a restaurant with us. It is true she does not gener...

Escape from the slimy co-worker

Q: When I started at my job, a certain co-worker befriended me right away. Time has shown me she is two-faced, manipulative, slimy and I need to steer completely clear. How do I do this, rea...

Worrying too much about friends' problems

Q: I think I take on other people’s messes and drama way too much. My boyfriend asks me “Why do you care so much?” when I get really upset about what other people go through. Case in point: ...