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Spare a thought for weather watcher Maureen Sweeney who made the right call for D-Day

VER-SUR MER, France (AP) — Along with the generals and the paratroopers, the pilots and the infantrymen, spare a thought for the young Irish woman who may have played the most important role...

With time short, veterans seize the chance to keep their D-Day memories alive for others

LONDON (AP) — Ken Hay’s part in the invasion of Normandy lasted just a few weeks, but he wants to make sure the experiences of those who fought and died to end the Nazi grip on Europe live f...

Remembering D-Day, RAF veteran Gilbert Clarke recalls the thrill of planes overhead

LONDON (AP) — Gilbert Clarke leans back on the seat of his mobility scooter, cranes his neck and gazes into the bright blue skies over East London, remembering the moment 80 years ago when h...

Barred from combat, women working as codebreakers, cartographers and coxswains helped D-Day succeed

LONDON (AP) — What did you do in the war, Granny? For British women who came of age during World War II, the answer to that question is often: quite a lot. The history of D-Day is often told...

King Charles III won’t be out and about much over the next six weeks amid election campaign

LONDON (AP) — King Charles III won’t be out and about much over the next six weeks — and it’s not because of his ongoing cancer treatments. Shortly after U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak call...