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Carrie Dennett

Baby aspirin linked to reduced ovarian cancer, study finds

A study published last month offers some new hope for helping prevent ovarian cancer - in the form of a baby aspirin - and may add to the growing body of evidence that inflammation plays a r...

Take it easy on yourself, and be healthier – the power of self compassion

If you think you need to channel your inner drill sergeant to eat your vegetables and get to the gym, think again. Research shows that a healthy dose of self-compassion actually helps us for...

Concerned about inflammation? These foods may help

There’s a lot of talk about inflammation and anti-inflammatory diets – but there’s also a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding these nutrition buzz words. Many people aren’t quite...

Confused about what’s healthy? A new nutrition survey shows you’re not alone

If I asked you, “Who do you trust?” you would probably name a friend or family member – unless the topic is nutrition. Odds are your nearest and dearest are not your most trusted sources for...

Want a productive work day? Watch what you eat

Do you have days at work when you feel energetic, inspired and productive, while on other days you feel tired, busy and stressed, with almost nothing to show for your efforts at the end of t...

5 dietary habits worth cultivating in 2017

Cook more and let go of rigid rules