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Dave McIntyre

Online wine sales continue to grow

Will online retailers replace local shops?

Crack open the best 2020 wine books for rich history, international politics and a vintner’s lively memoir

Each year at this time, I recommend my favorite wine books published in the previous 12 months. In this year of coronavirus and isolation, we have more time to read, stoke our thirst and eve...

Buying alcohol online is becoming our new normal, and these home delivery apps are cashing in

When the pandemic hit in March, we filled our larders with beans, started sourdough cultures, hoarded toilet paper and stocked up on alcoholic beverages. You know, the necessities...

Snoop Dogg’s for-the-people label and an exclusive club mark extreme poles of the wine world

In this weird year, when we experience whiplash whenever we watch TV, check our phones or open the newspaper, we shouldn’t be surprised to see two head-scratching debuts that show wine argua...

Wine-centric novels to pair with a good vintage for pandemic escapism

Unable to satisfy my wanderlust this summer, and tired of binge-watching “Somebody Feed Phil” and “Chef’s Table” on Netflix, I turned to my bookcase and dusted off a few wine novels. My favo...

As wineries reopen for tastings, expect appointments, pre-poured glasses and plenty of sanitizer

The text message conveyed urgency and alarm, even without all caps and exclamation points. “There’s a 6-foot snake in the Pavilion terrorizing guests.” It was June 4, t...

Virtual winery tours are bringing wine country to you

The pitch seemed too good to be true. A video graphics firm specializing in virtual-reality exhibits and “minds-on experiences” was offering to produce virtual tours of wineries, for no char...

Five things you need to know about rosé

June 8 is National Rosé Day, one of those silly national this-or-that days celebrated on the second Saturday in June for the past, well, five years. Registered by nationaldaycalendar.com in ...

Wine trends for 2018: Cans, kegs, natural wines and more

This is the time of year when wine writers, exhausted from writing holiday bottle and gift recommendations – and from consuming copious amounts of champagne during our research – slump forwa...

Two famous wineries share one great vintner

Bascaules unites labels in Napa and France

Stress not over Thanksgiving wine

Red or white, one of everything will do

What wine to buy? Just ask your phone

New app can tell which bottle you’ll prefer