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At Army-Navy game, Donald Trump touts new pro sports option

President wants athletes at military academies to be able to play pro sports right after college

Donald Trump rips LeBron James’ smarts hours before rally in Ohio

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. – Ahead of campaigning in Ohio on Saturday, President Donald Trump unleashed a withering attack on the state’s favorite son, savaging NBA star LeBron James in a late-night ...

Trump unlikely to rebuke Duterte for drug war killings

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has sanctioned a bloody drug war that features extrajudicial killing. He called Barack Obama a “son of a whore.” This week, he boas...

Analysis: Trump, in China, opts against confrontation

BEIJING – President Donald Trump pulled his punches. On the home turf of the rising superpower he once declared was “raping” the United States on trade, Trump on Thursday abandone...

Facing tumult at home, Trump sets out on lengthy Asia trip

HONOLULU – On his most grueling and consequential trip abroad, President Donald Trump stands ready to exhort Asian allies and rivals on the need to counter the dangers posed by North Korea’s...

In Asia, Trump to warn North Korea but not likely visit DMZ

NEW YORK – For all of President Donald Trump’s overheated talk about North Korea’s Kim Jung Un and the country’s nuclear program, Trump will likely not make the customary presidential visit ...

Trump: North Korea ‘will regret it fast’

Quiet, diplomatic channels remain open

Analysis: Slow leak of Russia news flooding White House

NEW YORK – As Air Force One flew home from Europe, news was set to break about a meeting that Donald Trump’s eldest son had with a Kremlin-connected lawyer, promising yet another round of un...

In Iowa, Trump rallies base, celebrates GOP resilience

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa –Struggling to advance his agenda in Washington, President Donald Trump traveled to the Midwest on Wednesday for a raucous rally with his loyal supporters – the kind of ev...

Trump declares war on Freedom Caucus

Says GOP group threatens his agenda

For Trump, the ‘Go Go 1980s’ still matter

Incoming president embraces era’s brash excess

Trump taps former campaign rival Carson as housing secretary

NEW YORK – Donald Trump chose retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson on Monday to be secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, raising fresh concerns about the lack of experienc...