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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results

LAS VEGAS — Threatening a fundamental pillar of American democracy, Donald Trump refused to say Wednesday night that he will accept the results of next month’s election if he loses to Hillar...

Insults and accusations

Trump attacks Clinton, says she has ‘hate in heart’

Clinton claims historic victory in Democratic primary

NEW YORK – Claiming her place in history, Hillary Clinton declared victory Tuesday night in her bruising battle for the Democratic presidential nomination, becoming the first woman to lead a...

Clinton cruises to big win over Sanders in South Carolina

Sanders already focused on Super Tuesday

Clinton, Sanders clash on guns, economy, foreign policy

Democratic candidates for president outline vision at first debate

Clinton seeks release of her emails

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa – Hillary Rodham Clinton urged the State Department on Tuesday to speed the release of 55,000 pages of emails from her time as secretary of state, as her decision to spurn ...