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Jena McGregor

Can your boss require vaccinations for measles?

As the worst measles outbreak in the United States in decades has continued to spread, Atlanta employment lawyer Howard Mavity has started hearing a new question from his clients: Can we mak...

10 leadership books to watch for in 2019

Have you promised yourself you’ll stop checking your phone every few seconds and spend less time in useless meetings in 2019? Need some motivation to kick off the new year at work by reading...

Five workplace predictions for 2019

NEW YORK – Some predictions about life at work in 2019 are hard to know: whether the economy will slow down, and if so, when. Others seem like sure bets: The #MeToo movement will continue, w...

11 business and leadership books to read in 2018

Comey’s book due out in May

79 percent of Americans would take a pay cut to work for a more ‘just’ company

Americans prioritize one thing above all others when evaluating whether a company is a good corporate citizen: How they treat their workers. That’s according to a survey released ...

Poll: Trump’s leadership ratings sink to a new low

Almost exactly six years to the day after Donald Trump tweeted that “I believe America can be great only with proper leadership,” Quinnipiac University released a new poll Wednesday showing ...

Diversity not big issue for male board members

Companies with the highest percentage of female directors have been shown to outperform on equity, return on sales and return on invested capital. They pay less to gobble up other firms. The...

Religious images at your desk may thwart unethical behavior

Bosses may be less likely to ask employees to cheat

Dad time important for women’s careers

Secret to getting females to top positions could be giving their partners more time off

‘Good’ maternity leave programs can actually hurt women

In some cases, they can slow ascent to executive ranks