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Jennifer Peltz

Prosecutors air more claims in R. Kelly case; 1 involves boy

NEW YORK – Federal prosecutors in R. Kelly’s sex trafficking case say he had sexual contact with an underage boy in addition to girls, and the government wants jurors in his upcoming sex tra...

2 cats in New York state test positive for coronavirus

NEW YORK – Two pet cats in New York state have tested positive for the coronavirus, marking the first confirmed cases in companion animals in the United States, federal officials said Wednes...

At 9/11 memorial, new recognition for a longer-term toll

NEW YORK (AP) – When the names of nearly 3,000 Sept. 11 victims are read aloud Wednesday at the World Trade Center, a half-dozen stacks of stone will quietly salute an untold number of peopl...

A look at efforts to make legal pot foster social justice

NEW YORK – Questions about marijuana and social justice have played a prominent role this year in several U.S. states’ debates about pot legalization. But other states and cities where recre...

Students: 1 million expected at anti-gun-violence marches

NEW YORK – Students from the Florida high school where 17 people were fatally shot last month expect more than 1 million participants in upcoming marches in Washington and elsewhere calling ...

Veterans are key as surge of states OK medical pot for PTSD

NEW YORK – It was a telling setting for a decision on whether post-traumatic stress disorder patients could use medical marijuana. Against the backdrop of the nation’s largest Vet...

Cats at the Westminster dog show?

NEW YORK – Dogs from petite papillions to muscular Rottweilers showed off their four-footed agility Saturday at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show, tackling obstacles from hurdles to tunne...

Kennel Club names new breed

NEW YORK – A high-energy Hungarian herding dog is the latest new breed headed to the Westminster Kennel Club and many other U.S. dog shows. The American Kennel Club announced tha...

Weight report cards may not help students shed pounds

NEW YORK – When New York City public schools began giving students report cards on their weight a decade ago, officials hoped the information would help fight an obesity epidemic in the nati...

Zoo teams train for weighty responsiblity

Special units train to respond when animals get loose

Stolen ‘inverted Jenny’ stamp resurfaces

NEW YORK – One of the longest mysteries in the stamp-collecting world is getting a new chapter. Six decades after four of the U.S. Postal Service’s most celebrated misprints were...

AP wins Pulitzer for stories on enslaved fishermen in Asia

NEW YORK – The Associated Press won the Pulitzer Prize for public service Monday for documenting the use of slave labor in Southeast Asia to supply seafood to American tables – an investigat...