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Mark Jenkins

Sometimes, miracles do happen

Of the many ways for a child to almost die, being submerged in frigid water is one of the more survivable. The body conserves heat for the vital organs, and the cold slows oxygen depletion i...

Review: Issa Rae is the best part of ‘Little,’ a pretty unfunny reversal of the movie ‘Big’

In “Little,” an obnoxious Atlanta tech entrepreneur faces two dilemmas: She’s just been transformed back into her 13-year-old self, and she has to pitch a new product to her biggest client o...

‘On the Basis of Sex’: Doesn’t do RBG justice, but fans may dissent

By combating gender discrimination that was enshrined in American law, future Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg helped expand the concept of “equal justice for all” to encompass a lo...

Don’t forget hankies for ‘Megan Leavey’

The oddest thing about “Megan Leavey” is its title. After all, Shakespeare never titled his great romances simply “Juliet” or “Antony.” Admittedly, Megan (made both sympathetic an...

Review: The 33

Imagine being trapped 2,300 feet below ground for 69 days. “The 33,” an account of the internationally infamous 2010 Chilean mining accident, will help viewers only a little to conjure up th...