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Poorly prepared New Mexico suffered greatly in 1918 pandemic

ALBUQUERQUE (AP) – “Keep away from the sick,” the newspaper advised, “avoid crowds, wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.” Sound measures...

Clinic gives University of New Mexico medical students experience

Homeless receive treatment, care

Limitless Socket designed to help amputees heal

Device designed by University of New Mexico students

Albuquerque gallery owner uses art to forge bonds, reach out to others

ALBUQUERQUE (AP) – “My name is (asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)! I’m 15 but I will be 16 on Nov. 14, and I am currently in jail. I have been in and out of jail sense (sic) ...

Former New Mexico farmer morphs into master mandolin maker

CABALLO, N.M. (AP) – To get to Bill Bussmann’s house, you take exit 63, the Hillsboro exit, off of I-25, about two hours south of Albuquerque. It gets interesting after that. Inst...