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Wendy Koch

LED technology being used in ceilings, carpets

LEDs no longer are just light bulbs. They’re now starting to appear as a built-in feature for ceilings – an advance predicted 50 years ago by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. ...

FDA proposing first rules for e-cigarettes

As electronic cigarettes soar in popularity, the U.S. government Thursday is proposing historic rules to ban their sale to minors and require warning labels as well as federal approval. ...

Home-heating costs surge this winter in United States

If your heating bills jumped this winter, you’re not alone. They’re expected to rise in every region for every kind of fuel and nearly double for some homes in the Midwest. Despit...

Colored roofs cool off cities

White, green coverings can limit warming in metropolitan areas

Global warming poll offers mixed results

Most Americans say global warming is serious and want the United States to address it, but their support for government regulations has fallen in recent years, said a poll out Friday conduct...

Lights dimming on Edison’s bulbs

The Thomas Edison era largely comes to an end Jan. 1 with the phaseout of America’s most popular light bulb. Surprised? A survey out Thursday finds that most consumers are, and a third plan ...

U.S. predicting natural gas boom through ’40

America’s energy boom will continue for decades, and natural gas will replace coal as the largest source of U.S. electricity by 2035, the Department of Energy forecast this week. ...

Fewer teens smoke but more use e-cigarettes

Fewer U.S. teens are smoking cigarettes, but more are getting a nicotine fix from hookahs and electronic cigarettes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. Overal...

U.S. now world’s top producer of shale gas

The United States, followed by Canada, leads the world in producing natural gas from shale formations as the controversial practice of fracking spreads, the U.S. government reported Wednesda...

EPA proposes strict emission limits on new power plants

Lawsuits are expected to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal Friday to limit emissions from new power plants, and the main reason is cutting-edge, anti-pollution technol...

Hot summers more likely in future

Brace yourself for more hot summers ahead. Extreme weather researchers reported Thursday that climate change makes the searing summer that the struck the United States last year much more li...

Sea-level rise threatens 1,400 U.S. cities, study says

A rise in sea levels threatens the viability of more than 1,400 cities and towns, including Miami, Virginia Beach and Jacksonville, unless there are deep cuts in heat-trapping greenhouse gas...