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Time to retire Duke, hire Smith

Elections are interesting. What I personally find humorous is the numerous letters for Duke Schirard that are written by the same people or family members. The self-preservation mode for the “good ol’ boy” network does not want change as they have been protected with paychecks for years; we have heard the stories about corruption. Some even think police reports were created in Duke’s domestic violence charges. It is insulting to our intelligence to think these reports are not true and were fabricated for our amusement. Also, research shows most victims usually want it covered up.

Solid community members, along with the Fraternal Order of Police, want change with Sean Smith. These are intelligent and progressive people who have seen, working with firsthand knowledge, what Schirard’s unethical regime is all about. They are focused toward a future we can have with Sean. Schirard never attends meetings and advocates for our county (except at the pawn shop), and his lack of involvement even with the budget, as he touted he had full control over, was an untruth.

What also is interesting are these letters state how Smith is mudslinging. Critiquing the debates and websites shows Sean has always taken the high road and never demeaned his opponent. Schirard, in front of many people and on his website, has made ugly and degrading accusations. The bullying tactics imbedded in this administration are apparent. Sean has focused only on his vision forward for our community, taking the resources we have and utilizing them to the fullest.

His experience as a military veteran and with other agencies gives him a rounded view of many accessible things – something the current sheriff knows nothing about. It is time to put the archaic posse and lynching attitudes behind us and let Duke retire. Sean is the man for the job. Bipartisan and engaged with moving forward in taking our surrounding community to meet higher standards, he will give our men and women who protect us the best we can have, whether in technology or basic caring.

Lou Ella May Turner


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