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The stealth assault

We keep hearing cries of “protect our democracy” from the Democrats and our news media does little to shed light on the silliness. The Democrats have refused to enforce the democratically enacted immigration laws of the U.S., every time they’ve been in office. Currently, the Democrats have allowed millions of illegal immigrant immigrants into the country, providing them with more social benefits than we give our military veterans. The long-term goal in allowing these immigrants into the country is to give them voting privileges so that they can permanently install the Democrats in power ... in other words, to steal the country with imported voters, scorning the current U.S. citizens’ rights. Our leftist media is entirely complicit because they, too, want a leftist takeover.

I’m not a Trump fan, but in fairness, when does the persecution stop? Nothing Trump has ever done reaches the heights of depravity that the current abuse of the legal system, by Democrats, to “get Trump” has done. Even staunch leftists like Andrew Cuomo admit that the specious prosecutions against Trump would have never happened to anyone else. It’s a complete abuse of the legal system and experts think it will be decades before trust in the U.S. legal system is restored. Whimsical application of the law means there is no law.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, both socialists at heart, are running for president with the encouragement of our leftist media. It’s a stealth assault and it looks bad for the country’s future.

Mike Sigman
