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Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History

50 YEARS AGO: “It took the volunteer fire department, the city police, the city maintenance crew, and many concerned citizens to outwit the culprit, but residents will be relieved to know he has been caught – the squirrel that bit the girl. Donna Roe, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Roe of Cortez, attempted to make friends with the squirrel but received a bite on the right thumb instead. A 22-hour chase ensued to catch and test the animal (for rabies). A trap was set and all other entrances of the foundation of the building were blocked. Tear gas, a police dog and smoke were used to frighten the animal from its hiding place. When that failed, a city maintenance crew dug beneath the foundation and the squirrel was forced to surrender.”

25 YEARS AGO: “Fort Lewis College held an open house at its Environmental Center Wednesday, where it sponsored a forum on the city’s planned landfill. The city has narrowed its choices to three local sites: Horse Gulch, Long Hollow and a private proposal also in Horse Gulch. It may also contract with Waste Management for disposal in New Mexico.”

Most items in this column are taken from The Durango Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and the Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.

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