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Choose ‘R’ or ‘D’ to vote in primary

I have been a Democrat for many years. What Bernie Sanders has to offer our country for the average American is outstanding. He impresses me more than others because I have been able to follow his thinking and philosophy long before he began running for president. He doesn’t waver, he doesn’t switch sides, he doesn’t play games and he doesn’t have a super PAC. That means a lot to me.

I hope everyone who thinks similarly that this great man would do our country a lot of good knows that the only way to vote in the primary is to be registered as a Democrat or a Republican. Those registered as Independents cannot vote in the primary election! So if this matters to you and you are an Independent, there is still a small window of time to change your status. You can even make a temporary change.

This vote matters. Please get out there and help! Go to www.govotecolorado.com The deadline is Dec. 31.

Linda Smith


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