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Commissioners need to earn voters’ trust

I was astonished to read that our county commissioners actually believe a low voter turnout caused the demise of November’s tax hike (“County may again seek tax increase to fix roads,” Herald, Dec. 22).

Could it be, instead, that voters simply do not trust the county enough to give $50 million, especially in light of the crowing county officials have done about their multimillion dollar real estate purchases, and the bragging about the new luxury courthouse, where defendants can bask in the glow of genuine bamboo paneling as their fates are determined?

Come on, commissioners, don’t you think there is a credibility gap here? Commissioner Blake did get it half right in thinking that when floating the tax increase again voters might say, “We just told you no but you’re back again.” But he left the real question unsaid.

The commissioners should be asking, “What can we do to convince voters that we have their priorities in first place, and not our own?” Isn’t asking for road money after gorging on real estate comparable to a person buying a new car with cash, then applying for food stamps? Until that concern is addressed, all the voters in the world won’t help you, commissioners.

Michael Brennan


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