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Durango should be made accessible to all

I am the gentleman referred to in the story headlined “Airport commute difficult for those using wheelchairs (Herald, May 23.) First off, I’d like to say that I had a wonderful time during my visit despite the hiccup I encountered regarding not only getting to and from the airport, but because there wasn’t a ramp leading up to the restroom at a restaurant in Durango. I was forced to crawl 40 feet, but I still plan to return.

However, after reading the article, it sounds like people are justifying not providing accessible transportation because of a lack of resources. In addition, their other reasoning is the low number of clients using the service and, therefore, it would not be cost effective. While these reasons may be true and hold some merit, the fact that there’s no accessible transportation is a shame because Durango and the surrounding areas should be enjoyed by all.

To me, blaming Congress instead of spending less than $10,000 on a wheelchair lift doesn’t hold water.

Robin Renshaw

Las Vegas

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