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Four Corners Rally welcomes volunteers to free lunch

Hi volunteers!

I am looking forward to working with each of you again this year!  There are a lot of exciting plans for the 2014 Four Corners Motorcycle Rally!  If you have not done so yet, check out the webpage - FourCornersMotorcycleRally.com - to see all the planned events, bands, giveaways, rides, etc.

As usual, we will need a lot of volunteer help, so we will have a volunteer coordination event from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 9, at the Sky Ute Fairgrounds. Lunch will be provided.  This event is four weeks from today!  We sincerely hope you will be able to join us.

We need volunteers in the following areas:

PRIOR TO EVENT (Monday, Aug. 25 through Wednesday, Aug. 27)

Vendors - mark out spaces, set-up

Volunteer Goodie Bags - stuff goodie bags

DURING THE EVENT (Thursday, Aug. 28 through Sunday, Aug. 31)

Beer tent - serve beer; training will be provided

Competitions/field events - set up for events

Grounds/electric/logistics - help with heavy lifting (bands on and off stage), electricity, etc.

Information booth - sign-ups for competitions, direct people to various events, services, etc.

Runners/floaters - available in four-hour increments; on-call for whatever might be needed

Traffic control/parking - direct people to parking spaces, keep an eye on motorcycles and crowd, call on security if needed

AFTER THE EVENT (Monday, Sept. 1)

Clean up - tear down awnings, put away banners, etc.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me directly, at 749-5584. Thanks!

Ride safe and have fun!

Tuggy Dunton

Four Corners Motorcycle Rally