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Gardner’s record belies campaign talk

There are some things that do not require a lot of analysis to understand. Choose bull manure for one. No one needs you to tell you to avoid it, but Cory Gardner is feeding us a steaming heap of it.

Consider his mission statement: “economy, energy, education and a pristine environment.” A pristine environment!

Gardner can’t care about our environment if he:

Received a 4 percent approval rating from the League of Conservation Voters.

Put forth an amendment that would slash funding for statewide water projects by $112 million.

Is heavily funded by out-of-state oil interests, and put forth bills such as HR 2021, that guts what little regulation there is on offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Artic oceans, both a long way from Colorado.

Urged the Tea Party to defund the Environmental Protection Agency.

Vowed to eliminate funding for climate change research.

Voted to overturn the EPA’s researched finding that climate change endangers human welfare.

Voted to require the approval of both houses of Congress before a federal agency can enact any rule, even to protect the environment and public health.

Is a climate-science denier.

Voted to shut the government down when Colorado most needed help with two simultaneous environmental disasters.

I suspect it would be hard for Gardner, but we sure would appreciate a little honesty in place of the bull manure.

Christopher Isensee


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