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Letter: Boebert uninformed, miseld constituents on bone marrow bill

As a bone marrow transplant recipient and the former chair of the National Marrow Donor Program board of directors, I was extremely dismayed to see Rep. Lauren Boebert vote against reauthorization of a lifesaving program and spread misinformation about NMDP.

I am incredibly proud of the work this nonprofit does, including saving my life.

For over three decades, in partnership with the federal government, NMDP has operated the nation’s registry of unrelated bone marrow donors, selfless individuals willing to donate their cells to save the life of a patient suffering from leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell disease or another 70 different diseases.

During that time, NMDP facilitated over 105,000 transplants, all of which involved cells voluntarily donated by either an adult donor, or cells collected from the umbilical cord – which occurs only after a full-term delivery where both mother and baby are healthy and safe.

It’s unfortunate that Boebert peddled misinformation and has not yet corrected her misstatements, but I am extraordinarily grateful for the support from the rest of her colleagues in Congress who, with overwhelming bipartisan support, continue to support the incredible efforts of connecting willing donors with blood cancer patients, offering those suffering from sickle cell disease or other genetic disorders, a second chance at life.

Rebecca A. LewisSteamboat Springs