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Letter: Reader is ‘disturbed, disgusted’ with Boebert’s behavior

As are we all, I am deeply disturbed by the events which took place last Wednesday in Washington, D.C.

I am even more deeply disturbed, not to mention disgusted, that the newly elected representative from Colorado District 3, Lauren Boebert, chose this moment to display her naivety and ignorance by voting against accepting duly certified Electoral College votes.

She claims there is evidence of fraud. Where? Fifty state governments and sixty courts have made abundantly clear that there is no fraud. Instead, this nonsense has been used to raise over $200 million for the Trump apparatus to play with.

Boebert’s first inquiry in Washington was whether she could carry her gun in the Capitol. Really? That’s what’s important to her? We just saw what happens when there are guns in the Capitol. Don’t even try to tell me that “good people” with guns could have stopped this insurrection.

The President of the United States told the rioters that they were the “good people.”

I had many, many differences of opinion with former Rep. Scott Tipton, but at least he was an adult who had Coloradans’ interests at heart.

I understand that there is a recall petition for Boebert circulating. Excellent. Where do I sign?

Dinsmore C Fulton
