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Letter: Stakeholders agreed to lodgers tax allocation

I am noticing many people voicing concern with the disproportionate amount of money in the proposed lodgers tax increase going toward tourism (versus transit and the arts). I am writing to urge people to vote “Yes” for the lodgers tax increase.

Don’t forget that the decision regarding how the influx of this tax money (generated through tourism) would be shared and distributed was agreed upon by the various stakeholders involved with tourism, transit and the Creative Arts District.

Don’t forget that it took this group 18 months of meetings and discussions and compromise to agree on the percentages of who gets what (55% sustainable tourism, 20% transit, 14% arts).

Don’t forget that the last time Durango had the momentum for a referendum like this was in the 1980s.

Regarding tourism and the desire of many to curb the amount of visitors to our area, don’t forget these are the people who go home, remember the beauty they experienced here and then support national legislation to support our wilderness areas, etc.

I am afraid that if we don’t pass this referendum, we will have so little money for transit that we will lose our trolley service altogether, and that the Durango Creative District will have no budget to work with to make a substantial contribution toward the arts community in our town.

It is a long, arduous process to get a referendum on a ballot. Don’t lose this opportunity to improve our community!

Mary OswaldDurango