
Love Out Loud – an interfaith collaborative – serves Durango community

Members of the interfaith community group Love Out Loud spent a week providing service to the community in June.

Herald Staff Report

Local interfaith group Love Out Loud spent a week serving the community in June.

Members took to heart the Dalai Lama’s words: “It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act.”

For over a week, more than 300 volunteers completed 50 projects during the 10th annual Love Out Loud event. Church members and non-churchgoers together cooked meals, wrote letters to servicemen and women, cleaned up school yards, did construction, donated blood, planted flowers, helped elderly and disabled residents in their homes and served in numerous other ways.

The group was led by representatives from Christ the King Lutheran Church, Durango Christian Church, Durango Friends Meeting, First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, the River Church and Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango.

Love Out Loud is an interfaith collaborative effort started 10 years ago by First United Methodist Church. The group holds yearly community service events. The 2020 event will be held June 6-14.

For more information, call Marcia Heidenreich at 247-4213.