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Making art out of SPAM

In some parts of the world, like Hawaii, it’s a delicacy; some people consider it the opposite.

SPAM was the highlight of the Durango Welcome Center’s Steampunk Snowdown event Saturday morning.

People checked their creativity into the Welcome Center with them to carve steampunk-related things out of one can of SPAM, literally, the can and the meat. Some people get pretty adventurous, such as the winner of the adult category, Sandra Vickerman, who carved an elaborate scorpion. Her daughter, Chelsey Smith, won the kids category for her take on steampunk goggles.

The teen-category winner was Veronica Petrillo, who also carved steampunk goggles, or “spoggles,” as she called them.

Snowdown is all about trying new things, right?

“I’ve never touched Spam before. I’m expecting it to be mushy,” Cammie Christner said. She said the father of her friend, Nathan Willis, encouraged them to do it. “His (Willis) dad thought this sounded like a really cool event. He’s into intersting things,” she said.

Some even traveled long distances to make things out of processed meat.

“We’ve come down every year for Snowdown since ’92,” Ken Schultze of Denver said.

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