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Canines follow the felines onto Snowdown’s runway

Durango is, without a doubt, a dog town.

So would it really be Snowdown without an event for the beloved animal? After the cats had a spot in the limelight in the McDonald’s parking lot, the dogs showed up in droves for the Canine Fashion Show. Some looked like their owners, dressed in Steampunk, some didn’t. There were four categories: funniest, most formal, best look-alike and best Snowdown theme.

Holli Timmerman, 10, entered the look-alike competition with her Miniature Australian Shepherd, Ryder.

“I did look-alike ’cause we both have the jetpacks, and we both have gears and stuff all over us. We like to dress up. I hope we did well,” Holli said after stepping off the stage.

Camden Ham, 7, and her sister, Wrigley Ham, 9, entered their dog, Molly.

“We just wanted Molly to have a little fun up there and stuff,” Camden said.

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