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Man used Twitter to return found wallet

This summer, I was visiting Durango for a conference at Fort Lewis College when I lost my wallet.

This was particularly stressful because the next day, I was scheduled to not only leave Durango but to leave the country (Thankfully, I still had my passport). I searched all over town but was not able to find it. My daughter and I had been getting ready to head up into the mountains for a hike, and in our rush, I must have put the wallet on the roof of my car and driven off. It apparently fell off the roof of the car and landed in the street, where it was found, thank goodness, by a man named Brian Moore, who works at Durango Music.

I assumed the wallet was gone for good; but a few days later, I checked my Twitter account and found a note from Brian telling me he found my wallet and to call him. It was clear from this note that Brian had gone to the trouble of tracking me down on Twitter and creating his own Twitter account, just so he could contact me (His Twitter account to this day still just has the one “tweet” to me telling me he found my wallet).

I offered to give him a reward, but he refused. He simply mailed the wallet to my home in Minnesota, and that was it. So, if you see Brian, make sure you shake his hand and thank him for being a great ambassador to your community and for reminding us all that there are still a lot of good, kind people out there in the world.

John Hatcher

Duluth, Minn.

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