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Pass bag fee, show aloha for environment

I am somewhat of a newcomer to Durango, having moved here about two years ago. I had been living in Hawaii for 14 years, and for various reasons, I ended up here. What I immediately found were not the differences between the two places, but the similarities: like-minded, active and fit people who were proud of their communities, who live here because it’s a perfect place to raise a family, who have great respect and love for the area’s natural beauty, and who commune with nature and enjoy year-round outdoor activities.

This year, the state of Hawaii – yes, the entire state – has banned plastic bags in all retail stores. The County of Hawaii website cites the obvious reasons for the ordinance: that plastic bags can choke wildlife, litter the environment and contribute to the landfills. It cites that a good-quality, reusable bag has the potential to replace more than 600 single-use plastic bags.

Although available, paper bags are not a good alternative. It takes 14 million trees each year in the United States to produce a year’s supply of paper bags for retail use. Reusable bags reduce litter and conserve natural resources, making them the best choice. And it reminds the people of Hawaii to “Shop with Aloha and bring your reusable bag!”

Please join me in showing that same aloha for the environment here in Durango. For more information, visit www.durangobagit.org, and be sure to vote for the city’s disposable bag ordinance on Nov. 5.

Dana Wilson


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