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Protect LPEA future with Wheeling, Waters

Please vote for Bill Waters for District 3 on the LPEA ballot. His training and experience in making large business decisions is welcome. He has worked for Caterpillar for more than 35 years. Bill Waters knows how to work with others for the benefit of us all.

I ask District 4 voters to support Joe Wheeling. His dedication to the well-being of our community, his business sense and his integrity are major factors in how well he represents us at Tri-State.

On the other hand, the Sustainability Alliance of Southwest Colorado – on a mission to promote the sustainability movement – under Jeff Berman’s leadership, sponsors LPEA board candidates who support just that special-interest agenda. It appears they support projects that put money in their own pockets.

At board meetings, I have seen unacceptable behavior by the Berman-led directors. They apparently don’t do their homework. They overwhelm the time with redundant and ill-informed questions. Their behavior in board meetings reminds me of a kindergarten class. Directors should question, but when I hear the Berman faction brag during breaks how they disrupted the process, that infuriates me! We need directors who behave professionally.

The frustration of LPEA staff at having to explain even basic financial charts is evident to me. How can directors who do not understand financials make good decisions for a multimillion-dollar company? That’s the multimillion-dollar co-op we own and need for our electricity. I have no patience with on-the-job training for our LPEA policymakers. The CEO has announced his retirement; how many more good employees can we afford to lose?

The SASCO group appears willing to approve any renewable-energy project without considering the costs or the consequences. I was astounded at the willingness of the SASCO group to rubber-stamp a renewable project in Pagosa Springs without even having a plan. These directors seem to think providing our electric service and managing our money is just a game.

To protect your investment and your coop’s future, vote for Bill Waters in District 3 and Joe Wheeling in District 4.

Ann McCoy Harold


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