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‘Qualifications, experience, work ethic’

Since Rep. Lauren Boebert won the 2020 Republican primary election, she has made a mockery of CD3 while spending most of her time away from the district, working to boost her personal brand rather than focusing on the serious issues facing Colorado families.

I’m ready for the circus to stop. I’m running for Congress because I’m a concerned citizen who is sick and tired of the “Anger-Tainment” industry led by Boebert and her mentor, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, who stoke outrage on issues that have nothing to do with their constituents, but their own personal gain.

Rural Colorado’s interests are being steamrolled in Washington because of our congresswoman’s failures. Boebert has not passed any legislation – or even advanced a bill out of a single committee. Meanwhile, she votes against common-sense issues, such as funding for wildfire resilience, health-care access for veterans, and provisions to address water quality and mitigate the Colorado River drought.

But there’s hope. Of the handful of extremists in Congress, Boebert is the only one who's vulnerable. I am building the bipartisan coalition to win.

Like many, I’ve been registered as an unaffiliated voter for most of my life. If there was a “Get Stuff Done” party, I would be in it. Divisive politicians like Boebert make it impossible to get things done and derail conversations about what matters: reining in astronomically high health care costs, creating good paying jobs and protecting our water.

Unlike Boebert, I’ll be an independent voice for change and will work tirelessly to bring people together to find bipartisan solutions for CD3.

The people of CD3 are facing real issues that only a serious, committed representative can address –including the ongoing drought that risks the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers; rising inflation, housing and health care costs; and the freedom to make health care decisions.

I am a small business owner, a former local City Council member, and most importantly, a dad and a husband. My background in business makes me the best candidate to tackle the economic challenges we have ahead, from inflation to creating jobs to growing our middle class. I have the qualifications, experience and work ethic.

People of CD3 need a representative who will be their voice in Washington. Who do you want negotiating on behalf of your family, your business and your community, when it comes to the critical issues we face – drought, inflation and health care? I humbly ask for your vote in 2022.

Adam Frisch is the Democratic challenger for the 3rd Congressional District seat.