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Recognize the value of our public lands

I’ve been following The Durango Herald stories regarding efforts to transfer national public lands to the states, and I’m writing to add my voice to those saying that such a transfer is a bad idea.

I moved my company to Durango because this area has the ideal combination of a lively town, excellent personal and business amenities and unsurpassed access to the outdoors and recreation opportunities. Proposals to transfer federal lands to the states threaten these outdoor amenities and our ability to attract and retain talent to support entrepreneurs who could locate their businesses anywhere but choose Colorado because of its iconic natural beauty and unmatched recreational opportunities.

Backers of these bills are interested in prioritizing economic development of these lands and potentially selling these lands off to the highest bidder, which is exactly the opposite of what Durango and La Plata County need to grow as a vibrant city and region.

Many – but not all – of our elected officials recognize the value of these lands. We owe our gratitude to U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton and a host of local elected officials for their support of the Hermosa Creek Watershed Protection Act. Both Sens. Bennet and Gardner wisely support the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund that provides funding for our national parks, trails, rivers and local playgrounds. And, fortunately, Colorado’s Legislature voted down the bills that would have transferred the burden of managing our public lands to the states.

I hope that state Sen. Ellen Roberts will recognize the value of these lands in their current status and join the bipartisan effort to protect them.

John Watson


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