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Restrooms should be open park hours

Are we trying to make Schneider Park an open cesspool?

On the Fourth of July, there were hundreds of people in Schneider Park to watch the fireworks. Unfortunately, the restrooms were locked. At least a dozen people tried the doors and at least half of them were parents with young children. I suppose the contractor who locks the restrooms is not aware of the fact that urinating in the bushes is illegal.

Several people who tried to enter the restrooms voiced their disgust as they walked away.

In the past, the restrooms were open until approximately 11:30 p.m. This seems logical, because Durango regulations state that all Durango parks are open from 6 a.m. to midnight.

This resident of approximately 45 years feels that normal body functions should not be an inconvenience in the parks during the hours that the parks are open. Do you?

Bryan James


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