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River spill will pay big dividends

Cheer up, Durango. Years ago in business, we had a saying, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Durango has received more publicity in the last two weeks than it has received in the last 20 years, and all publicity was sympathetic or favorable.

People all over the world have seen the picture of the yellow river winding its way through the heart of the city. There is no need for anyone to have to ask, “Where is Durango?” It is my opinion that the media exposure over the last two weeks will arouse so much curiosity in the world that the long-lasting effects of this exposure will, in the long run, more than make up for one week’s worth of revenue that was lost.

This fact came to mind recently when I received a long email from a gentleman in Gelnhausen, Germany – a county official whose acquaintance I made some years ago – inquiring as to the effects of the disaster. He informed me that the story and pictures appeared on the Federal German TV networks. You can’t buy publicity like this – or when it appears on the NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.

So, cheer up, Durango; the investment in lost revenue will be returned many times – or, to quote the Bible, “Cast your bread upon the yellow water,” etc.

Now a suggestion: Hang many yellow streamers on the “Arc of History” to symbolize Durango’s claim to fame and give the sculpture new meaning.

Eric Greene


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