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Shootings are terrorizing our children

I have a special needs granddaughter who has been terrified for months to go to school because of mass shootings. I think she’s smarter than Congress or the President.

I was a teacher of middle and high school students. As a teacher, where is my right not to be trained and armed with a gun?

I went into teaching to teach, not to be a soldier in a military zone. And adults? In visiting Morocco last fall, I realized, viscerally, I felt safer there than here.

What does Congress not understand about mass shootings? We know: the NRA.

On behalf of us all, I pledge not to vote for anyone with high NRA ratings, nor candidates receiving money from this gun manufacturing interest group.

Mass shootings are terrorism, which has skyrocketed with the assault weapons ban expiration.

Check the facts. Nothing in the Constitution says these weapons, or copious amounts of ammunition, are a right.

Listen to my granddaughter; she knows the truth.

Nancy Jacques

Durango, CO and Tucson, AZ