The votes are not yet cast and counted for president – that won’t happen until Nov. 3 – but Durango has voted on its coolest dog, and the winner is 9-year-old Buddy II, who lives with Cathy Roberts.
More than 160 dogs vied for the title of “Coolest Dog in Durango,” and after 30 days of online voting, Buddy, a Weimaraner, Labrador, Dalmatian mix, came out on top with 5,850 votes.
“He doesn’t know he won yet. We’re going to surprise him tonight with a treat,” Roberts said.
The contest was a fundraiser for the La Plata County Humane Society, with entrants paying $10 to nominate their dogs and each vote requiring a $1 donation.
“My son and his friend spent $4,050 voting for Buddy,” Roberts said.
The Durango Chamber of Commerce and Alpine Bank, Steamworks Brewing Co., Four Corners Broadcasting, Allison Ragsdale Photography, The Durango Herald, Marketing Concepts Squared and Pet Haus partnered to sponsor the effort.
The businesses presented a check to the Humane Society for $8,252.
Jack Llewellyn, executive director of the Durango Chamber of Commerce, said, “Durangoans love their dogs and they love their craft beer. This contest combined those two loves by showcasing all the cool and amazing dogs, with the top three dogs featured on a Steamworks special brew.”
The special ale that will feature Buddy on its label will be unveiled at the Fur Ball Party, to be held on Bird’s patio, COVID-19 permitting, at a date to be determined.
Buddy also scored a $500 gift basket from Pet Haus and a professional photo shoot with Allison Ragsdale Photography.
Roberts said Buddy will appreciate the gift basket because he is recovering from surgery for a partially torn ligament in his back left knee.
Second-place winner Twizzle and third-place winner Basher also will be featured on the back of Steamworks’ special brew labels.