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Thank Bennet if you love Hermosa Creek

As a Durango resident for more than 20 years, I have fished, biked, hunted and camped in Hermosa Creek with my family and friends. Many of my friends’ kids have grown up learning about the outdoors there. Thanks to Sen. Michael Bennet, it will be permanently protected under the law.

Because Bennet listened to our community and worked to pass the Hermosa Creek Watershed Protection Act in 2014, Hermosa Creek will be preserved and can teach future generations the value of conserving our most treasured outdoor places.

The Hermosa Creek act is not Bennet’s only conservation success, but it is a personal one for me. Throughout the legislative process, Bennet listened closely to our community. He repeatedly emphasized that the act was our bill and that our concerns would shape it. He cares about real results more than political posturing – and it shows in the results he has achieved for Coloradans. Colorado’s natural beauty and resources – like Hermosa Creek – are why residents love this state so much.

I know that Bennet will fight continuously and effectively in Washington to protect our natural resources.

Dave Welz


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