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Vote for me to abolish the U.S. Senate

I am a candidate for the Colorado Unity Party’s 2020 nomination for U.S. Senate. I’m running on peace, justice, ecology and election reform, with a theme of “unity in diversity.”

The slogan “unity in diversity” has been used by religious and political groups to promote harmony and celebration of multiculturalism based on an understanding that our differences enrich us. Nelson Mandela, the president of post-apartheid South Africa, said: “Bridge the chasm, use tolerance and compassion, be inclusive, not exclusive, build dignity and pride, encourage freedom of expression, to create a civil society for unity and peace.”

Rather than pursuing endless warfare, we should eliminate world hunger and secure access to safe drinking water.

I want an end to U.S. foreign military intervention, the right to self-determination for all people, statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, a single-payer health care system and true cost pricing to include environmental impacts in the prices of new goods and services.

Government should be redesigned to be more inclusive. Everyone should have the right to fair representation. I propose to abolish the U.S. Senate, eliminate the Electoral College, strictly limit the power of the president and decentralize authority in the hands of a Congress elected by an open party list system of proportional representation.

I propose that each generation should hold its own constitutional convention at least once every 20 years.

Gary Swing
