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Vote Noseworthy, Baxter for sustainability

I am grateful for two exceptional City Council candidates – Barbara Noseworthy and Kim Baxter. Both have served on our local boards and commissions, giving their time and sharing their expertise. Kim, on the Planning Commission, the Multi-Modal Board and Natural Land Board. Barbara, on the Durango Public Art Commission, Durango Playfest and the Durango Film Festival.

Barbara has worked as a strategic planning consultant, including in rural agricultural communities, to address infrastructure, broadband, developing public/private partnerships and diversifying the economy. She has been responsible for multi-million-dollar budgets and managed small and large teams. She is uniquely qualified to address similar issues in Durango.

Kim also has qualities from which Durango can benefit: A background in finance provides expertise on budgeting and long-term financial planning. She is a farmer who understands agricultural issues. Her service on the Planning Commission provides invaluable insight on planning issues.

Both are focused on Durango’s sustainability. Moreover, both have done their homework, meeting with community leaders. They have canvassed Durango listening to voters. Both are invested in tackling affordable housing and job creation. We are fortunate they are willing to serve – please vote for Barbara and Kim!

Lynne Sholler
