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Weekday blackout dates fewer on Web

I saw Jon Rudolph’s letter (Herald, March 29) regarding Purgatory’s weekday blackout dates and was surprised to read that those blackout dates expanded to two full weeks in March!

As my wife and I are getting ready to purchase these passes, I immediately went to Purg’s season-pass website and didn’t see any March blackout dates mentioned at all in the description for weekday-pass restrictions. The description explicitly states “Black-out dates for weekday passes are: December 28, 2015 – Jan. 1, 2016.” Period.

If there are other dates that are included in this blackout period, they should be clearly stated on their website. Perhaps Purgatory already retracted these two weeks in March? I sure hope so.

If the new owner is truly committed to attracting locals’ loyalty and business, shorting the weekday passholders is certainly not consistent with that philosophy. That weekday pass is probably one of the most the most local-friendly benefits they offer.

Dan Corbett


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