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Wolgamott: Allow different day uses at Lake Nighthorse

There is obvious conflict in the use of Lake Nighthorse between those that want a quiet, peaceful experience versus those that want to drive powerboats.

The lake would seem too small to accommodate both uses.

Dividing the lake into zones will mostly aggravate all users, since sounds and wakes are not limited by artificial zones, and powerboaters will not appreciate being packed into a smaller area.

Has anyone considered sharing the lake by allowing certain uses for different days? What if we start off with limiting the lake to non-motorized use on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday; and allow motorboats on Monday, Wednesday , Friday and Saturday? Then, after each season, we analyse the usage pattern and adjust the days accordingly.

More quiet days could be added or subtracted. Everyone would give up something, but this would eliminate the conflict between users and each could enjoy their preference.

John Wolgamott
