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County’s refusal to certify the vote hints at election chaos

ATLANTA – The conspiracy theories about Dominion voting machines that erupted during the 2020 presidential contest flared this week in a remote New Mexico county in what could be just a prev...

Trump voting commission criticized for lack of transparency

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump’s advisory commission on election integrity has integrity questions of its own – with some of its own members raising concerns about its openness. ...

Opt-out movement accelerates amid Common Core testing

ATLANTA – Thousands of students are opting out of new standardized tests aligned to the Common Core standards, defying the latest attempt by states to improve academic performance. ...

Senate candidates campaign in Georgia’s GOP stronghold

No potential winner is from district with many votes

Be happy you aren’t in Atlanta

ATLANTA – The city dodged the first punch of a dangerous winter storm Tuesday, but forecasters warned of a potentially “catastrophic” second blow in a thick layer of ice that threatened to b...

Mandela, anti-apartheid icon, mourned world over

In nearly seven decades spent fighting for freedom and equality, Nelson Mandela inspired and challenged the world to stand up for others. As word of Mandela’s death spread Thursday, current ...

Project aims to spot autism early

ATLANTA – In a small room similar to a doctor’s office, Marlaina Dreher broke into applause as her 5-year-old son, Brandon, grabbed a red plastic spoon filled with puréed lasagna and fed him...

Coding camps for kids rise in popularity

Programs help inspire interest in tech careers