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Melanie Brubaker Mazur

Bayfield honors fallen at new veterans memorial

Veteran asks participants to shake hands with someone who has different political views

Bayfield honors fallen at new veterans memorial

Resident asks participants to shake hands with someone who has different political views

Study estimates potential tax revenue on pot sales in Bayfield

Fort Lewis College students present research to town trustees

Ignacio High School graduates proud Bobcats

Forty-seven beaming graduates crossed the stage on the Ignacio High School football field on Saturday to get their long-awaited diplomas. IHS teacher Tyson Wood, who gave the comm...

Ignacio High School graduates proud Bobcats

Forty-seven beaming graduates crossed the stage on the Ignacio High School football field on Saturday to get their long-awaited diplomas. IHS teacher Tyson Wood, who gave the comm...

Marijuana sales in Bayfield?

FLC students present financial impact study on retail sales

Bayfield Marshal’s Office named Colorado Law Enforcement Agency of Excellence

Attorney general presents annual award to local department

Bayfield author releases second children's book

The Mango Tree is story of personal growth

Bayfield Middle School students apologize for article in school newspaper

Bayfield schools will see improved security

Bayfield High School graduates championship class

Sending off a state-champion class in style, Bayfield High School graduated 84 members of the class of 2018 on Sunday. In addition to Colorado championships in football, poms, bas...

BHS graduates championship class

Sending off a state-champion class in style, Bayfield High School graduated 84 members of the class of 2018 on Sunday. In addition to Colorado championships in football, poms, bas...

Exhibit explores history of Missionary Ridge fire

The Pine River Valley Heritage Society is displaying some of the history of the Missionary Ridge fire at a special display at the Pine River Library. The 2002 wildfire burned 73,000 acres ac...