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Colorado regulators are tripping as they prepare to roll out ‘magic’ mushroom legalization

State agency warned lawmakers in January that it is not prepared to handle passage of Proposition 122

John Hickenlooper quietly convenes Colorado River Basin senators to discuss water woes

Hickenlooper said the caucus looks to formalize itself with a chair and subchairs from the upper and lower Colorado River Basin

Colorado Dems want to ax social studies from state tests. Here’s why.

A bill introduced last week would end state testing for fourth and seventh graders, and save the state more than $1 million per year

Billion-dollar climate disasters rise with drought in Colorado, the American West

NOAA report details growing total of weather and climate chaos biting deep into U.S. economy

Two handguns stolen from truck outside Colorado Capitol

Incoming GOP state representative says both guns were unloaded and secured with trigger locks

State representative accused of lying about her residence resigns

Tracey Bernett was charged in November with felony counts

Avalanche near Winter Park kills 2 backcountry snowmobilers

The Grand County Sheriff’s Office says it was alerted to the slide on Corona Pass

Avian flu wreaks more havoc in Colorado egg layers and wild birds

Worst-ever outbreak leads to slaughter of 6 million-plus chickens and has killed enough eagles and other raptors to raise wildlife fears

Polis says his plan to bus migrants out of Denver is ‘night and day’ compared with GOP governors

The monthlong flood of migrants to Denver has cost more than $1.4 million so far

Avalanche danger casts deadly shadow across Colorado backcountry

Two people died in slides in December; avalanche risk remains ‘considerable’ after storms

State lawmakers wrestle with how to issue future TABOR refunds

The Legislature may choose to keep refunds tied to Coloradans’ income levels or issue flat sums

Man killed in avalanche near Breckenridge Ski Resort

Summit County Rescue Group says avalanche happened in area outside ski area boundary