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The physical and psychological benefits of travel


Stories about epic adventures are often the best to hear, and the best to tell.

Heading out to explore new places and meet new people is a culturally enriching experience, but it’s also good for the mind, body, soul and storytelling. It is scientifically proven that traveling can help reduce stress, boost self-esteem, enhance creativity, allow you to learn about new cultures and allow you to learn more about yourself.

A desire to explore new lands is an integral part of human history, and it’s important that we keep that tradition alive. We all love the comfort of a familiar trail or a local restaurant where everybody knows your name, but it is important to expose ourselves to new people and places in order to possibly learn more about ourselves and the world around us.

Many Americans, Durangoans included, are highly motivated people who work tirelessly to build and maintain their businesses, relationships, hobbies and more. While we often get entrenched in our work in order to meet our goals, it’s important to remember that taking time to get away can actually benefit your home and work projects.

Enjoying a getaway is a great way to relax and recharge your batteries. Many travelers return home and/or to work with newfound motivation and energy inspired by their time away. Often when we travel, we find ourselves having more time to relax.

It has been proven that even the act of planning a getaway can generate excitement, positive thinking and creativity. Allow your mind to explore the world as you daydream about your next adventure. Escape the daily grind by reading travel books and blogs. Find your escape without leaving your home as you pore over maps and travel guides. Picture yourself anywhere and everywhere in the world, and then turn your dream into reality by planning your next epic adventure.

From artists to athletes to business owners, traveling can help improve creativity and spawn new ideas. Exposing yourself to new languages, music and foods can help you dream up new ideas and has been linked to better problem-solving skills. While we all have our areas of expertise, it is important to get out of our routine in order to explore and evolve. You never know when a spicy dish from a foreign land will inspire your next hot idea.

Life is stressful, and traveling can help reduce stress. Sometimes it feels impossible to kick back, relax and catch your breath. In order to be the best we can be for our family, friends and co-workers, we must take the time to get away. A study conducted by the U.S. Travel Association found that 86% of people who travel are more satisfied with their outlook on life. Traveling can act as a physical and psychological reset which is something that we can all use in 2021.

Picture yourself walking a cobblestone street surrounded by unique architecture and works of art while unfamiliar dialects and musical notes fill the air. Suddenly the stresses and worries of your day-to-day life fade away into the newfound ambiance of a foreign land. Why do we find ourselves obsessing and stressing about the tiniest of details when a world of wonder and excitement surrounds us?

Now is the time to plan your next getaway, get lost and find yourself. Remember, as the great J.R.R. Tolkien once wrote, “All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost …”

James Flint is a marketing assistant at Visit Durango.