Mike Smedley
Position: Staff reporter

It’s up to the locals to create Follies humor

It was yet another snowless year for Snowdown, but that unfortunate situation paled in comparison to this year’s Snowdown Follies. What? No local humor? In a year of budget scandals, a city ...

Alleys have allies for old ugly sheds

What about doing a column about the great old ugly sheds in the alleys around West Second and West Third avenues? They seem to be jam-packed with old stuff. It would be nice to have some pho...

Same ol’ weather isn’t grounded in reality

The NOAA website for Durango is one of my go-to sources for weather forecasts, along with However, for many days now the NOAA site has shown incorrect information – an...

It’s still a sorry state of affairs with Denver TV

All we get is cheap talk about getting Denver TV. Why can’t each state get that state’s broadcasts? Maybe our lawmakers could pass a huge fee on stations that broadcast out-of-state channels...

Trail’s darkness sheds light on upcoming project

Like many Durangotangs, I enjoy using the river trail to bike, run, walk the dog and even for yoga. But there’s a problem at night. There are no working lights between the Powerhouse Science...

City literally has no new ‘ode Compliance’ unit

Waiting for that interminable traffic light at College Drive and Camino del Rio, I saw a city of Durango fleet pickup with the decal saying “ode Compliance” on the passenger-side door. It ha...

Grocery store parking has ‘a lot’ of problems

What’s the deal with the north City Market’s parking lot? We went there the other evening and it was utter chaos. Cars circled around like sharks. Vehicles were parked two deep on the sidewa...

Impound this doggerel to get poetic justice

’Twas the days before Christmas and all through our towns, Events of the past year brought smiles and frowns. Traditions aplenty for this time of year; So he...

Free spirits need to curb sign pilfering

To simplify my life, I’ve been disposing of some possessions. My technique is to place those articles on the curb with a handsome “Free” sign. Most things disappear almost immediately. The o...

Lines on La Posta Road are a black-and-white issue

What’s up with the black line painted on La Posta Road (County Road 213)? Is this a new traffic feature that drivers need to be aware of? – Larry Zauberis Generally speaking, driv...

At Durango’s rec center, gym candy is jim-dandy

The other day, I noticed the Durango Community Recreation Center now sells candy at the check-in counter. Isn’t that contradictory, having a public health and wellness facility offer product...

Will fence help free-range kids parked at Santa Rita?

We took our 2-year-old grandson to Santa Rita Park recently. I was wondering why there isn’t a fence between the park and U.S. Highway 550/160. There’s also no fence between the park and the...