
‘Wildlife not private property of lion, bobcat trophy hunters’

Andrew Carpenter (“Hunting, a valuable tool in managing lions” on May 14) believes Coloradans aren’t smart enough to have an opinion about recreational killing of mountain lions or bobcats i...

‘When we take the “I” out of legislating, using “we” instead, we proved we can get a lot done’

We. We accomplished a lot this year – our bipartisan success happened because we communicated, compromised and collectively decided how to best address our problems. Affordable and attainabl...

Column: DHS track and field is in good hands with underclassmen

Upperclassmen showed them the way

Sovereignty or profit, it’s ‘complicated’

This past February I went to the Southern Ute reservation to attend a joint staff meeting. I had been Durango’s attorney for nine months. The tribe’s attorney sitting across from me stayed l...

Cicero on politics: ‘Soon now cycle will begin to turn’

America is poised in 2024 to stain the history of the democratic republic our ancestors made considerable sacrifices to create. Both of our august political parties are promoting the candida...

Biden searching for vaccine that would keep RFK Jr. off as many presidential ballots as possible

In case you missed it, the anti-vaxxer, conspiracy-theorist scion of the totally embarrassed Kennedy family was in Colorado recently to launch his bid to appear on the Colorado ballot for pr...

A game of chicken over Colorado property taxes

There are smart ways to figure out tax policy, and there are dumb ways. Colorado seems to be trying to find the worst way. Several factors in recent years resulted in spiking property taxes....

BLM’s Public Lands Rule – A win for the American West and Colorado

April marked a historic paradigm shift for the Bureau of Land Management with the enactment of the Public Lands Rule. The rule ensures the BLM’s multiple-use mission balances conservation, c...

‘Voting just the beginning of responsibility in a democracy’

Democracy is defined as that system of government where as many people as possible are enfranchised (empowered) to participate in all the civil rights society has to offer, including voting ...

Wildlife quid-pro-quo: ‘Something to still think about’

The wildlife quid-pro-quo. It was a proposition advocated more than a half century ago by Willard D. Klimstra, then director of Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Cooperative Wildlife...

‘Drunken on individualism, we no longer can muster civic devotion’

There are private subcultures in American life that act like political subdivisions of the state and nation. They demand independence and status as sovereign entities in our society. One suc...

Sports: ‘Too much made of equipment changes? Perhaps’

Nuance in today’s sports? Unlikely. American athletes in recent years have gotten stronger and more massive. Just take a look at towering college women basketball players and mountainous NFL...
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