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Another marriage ban has been struck down

Oregon becomes 18th state with legal gay marriage

How corporate America forced Ariz. governor to veto bill

Businesses that fuel economic growth carry a big stick

Ariz. guv vetoes religious-freedom bill

Brewer faced pressure from businesses, gay-rights groups to kill measure

Attorney general race focuses on gay rights

DENVER – The Democratic candidate for Colorado attorney general says the state’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage violates the constitutional rights of gay couples, and the law should...

Senate approves same-sex tax bill

DENVER – Gay and lesbian married couples would be able to file joint state taxes under a bill the Colorado Senate approved Wednesday over the opposition of social conservatives. T...

Gay marriage movement advancing slowly in Colorado

Many think courts are the most likely institution to change state’s law

Denver appeals court is in spotlight

Gay-marriage cases headed there

Gay marriage battle moves to state courts

SALT LAKE CITY – Advocates on both sides of the gay-marriage debate had predicted a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June, which overturned part of a federal ban on gay marriage, would create a ...

Colorado senators seeking to protect same-sex couples

Udall, Bennet support nondiscrimination bill

Group advocates gay marriage for Colorado

The right to marry is on the forefront for many gay and lesbian couples living in Colorado, and although beneficiary agreements known as “civil unions” have made strides to recognize domesti...

In Colorado, Supreme Court decision gets muted response

As many celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8, some Coloradans hesitated to cry victory. “I was ve...

Couple accuses bakery of gay discrimination for wedding cake refusal

DENVER – A gay couple is pursuing a discrimination complaint against a Colorado bakery, saying the business refused them a wedding cake to honor their Massachusetts ceremony and alleging tha...