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Gays scoff at New York’s holiday-parade decision

NEW YORK – A decision by organizers of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade to allow one gay organization to march is a disappointment after decades of fighting by gay groups for full partici...

Court: Transgender man can pursue divorce case

PHOENIX – A transgender man in Arizona who gave birth to three children after beginning to change from female to male can continue to pursue a divorce, a state appeals court said Wednesday i...

State high court halts gay marriages in Boulder

County clerk ‘disappointed’ but will comply

Archie to die for best friend

Comic book everyman to take a bullet meant for gay senator

Colo. clerks OK gay marriage licenses

La Plata County is maintaining state law banning it

Colo. seeks same-sex marriage resolution

Boulder County clerk issuing licenses to couples

Four Corners shows Pride

Durango festival celebrates equal rights

Proud preparation

Durango gay pride festival starts tonight

The fifth annual Four Corners Pride Festival kicks off tonight with a free documentary. The gay pride festival, sponsored by the Rochester Hotel & Bar and Leland House, runs from ...

String of legal wins bolsters gay marriage

WASHINGTON – One after another and in sometimes evocative language, judges appointed by Republican and Democratic presidents are declaring it’s too late to turn back on the topic of same-sex...

Another marriage ban has been struck down

Oregon becomes 18th state with legal gay marriage

How corporate America forced Ariz. governor to veto bill

Businesses that fuel economic growth carry a big stick