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15th Street the problem, not Third Avenue

I just read a recent proposal to solve the Malfunction Junction quandary by turning the north end of Third Avenue into a cul de sac. I suggest that Third Avenue is not the problem at the junction, it is 15th Street.

That little bit of 15th Street causes problems at both ends and should be remedied by closing it. Run Florida Road onto Third Avenue without the 15th street connection, a smooth transition and no more trouble with turning traffic. Let the boulevard handle the traffic – that’s what a boulevard is for.

There are other benefits from closing the 15th Street access to Florida Road, the flow of north-bound traffic through the lights at 14th Street would not be impeded by all the right turns onto 15th Street, freeing up the right hand lane to be a traffic lane and not a turn lane.

Closing 15th Street would also eliminate the awkward right, left, right turns southbound traffic follows to get off Florida Road down to 14th Street. There are plenty of streets between Third Avenue and Main to accommodate traffic. It might not be your favorite solution but it sure would calm down the action at the infamous junction, it would move traffic smoothly and would be very simple to implement.

Let’s try it and see!

John Griffiths
